Commersald spa
Commersald is the italian leader in marketing special welding consumables: welding wires, electrodes, bars, powders and other complements. The best high quality consumable products, accurately selected within the best worldwide suppliers, which become KOY branded products only after having overcome strict quality tests.

A steady growth since 1973
Commersald was born in 1973 in Modena as a family-run business. It has never stopped
growing . Today it is a strong public limited company with more than 30 employees, a network of single agents and many resellers all over Italy. A success based on a high quality of materials, on our 360° experience in the welding field and on our assistance service before and after the sale, always on time. Features that over the years allowed our business to consolidate its leadership in Italy and appear successfully on the international market as well.
Commersald Impianti srl
Italian excellence
Commersald Impianti is one of the leader companies for the production of welding machines, systems and welding complements based on the PTA (Plasma Arco Trasferito) process. It is born as a component of Commersald at the end of the 90’s, in few years and with just 10 employees, our company quickly affirmed itself in Italy, in Europe and worldwide with great results.
Commersald Impianti’s success is due to a high specialization in the development of PTA’s welding, as a result of steady investments in research and innovation. Thanks to its great experience, Commersald Group was also able to transform its commercial tradition in a new hightech production company.

Control of the production chain and on-site assistance all over Europe
Commersald impianti makes the majority of its production in place, starting from the design of machines to the software planning, up to the system’s installation at the client’s. In this way, we guarantee a total control of the quality for each component, besides a very reliable assistance service. The technical assistance of Commersald Impianti intervene on-site directly from Italy all over Europe and throughout a network of qualified stakeholders all over the world.